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Deep biosphere-geosphere interactions at the top of the world

An interdisciplinary approach to interpret a Myr climate record from Lake Nam Co (Tibetan Plateau)

Our research

Sedimentary context

Climatically-driven variations in sediment composition

PI : Torsten Haberzettl

University of Greifswald, Germany

Fluid evolution

Climatic and tectonic parameters from pore fluid noble gas geochemistry

PI : Rolf Kipfer




Evolution of deep biosphere diversity and activity with time

PI: Hendrik Vogel

University of Bern, Switzerland

Mineral Evolution

Diagenetic mineral formation along the sedimentary column

PI: Hendrik Vogel, University of Bern, Switzerland


Influence of microbial activity on mineral precipitation, dissolution and isotope composition

PI: Jasmine Berg

University of Lausanne, Switzerland

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Recent communications

Latest articles, abstracts and presentations of the DIGESTED 

research project

Balanced Objects

To get in touch

Institute of Geological Sciences &

Oeschger Center for Climate Change Research,

University of Bern

Balzerstrasse 1+3

3012 Bern, Switzerland


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